Episode 9: Merry Holidays (of the Lord's Birth)!

Wesołych Świąt 

Extra Credit: Bożego Narodzenia 

English Phonemes: “veh-SŌ-wih shfee[ą]t boh-[Ż]EH-goh nah-roh-DZEH-nyah” 

This week, we learn the generic and popular phrase to say "Happy Holidays", which is a catch all for the season and applies everywhere. We also debut the first ever Extra Credit section where you learn how to add the correct modification to make your Seasonal Greeting about Christmas specifically. 

We see a few Polish letters come back to play! 'ł', 'ś', 'ą', and 'ż' ! If you need help practicing those, drop us a line!

Next week, we'll cover how to say "and a Happy New Year!" 

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Julia Tutko-Balena