Episode 137: What, You Are Thinking About Blue Almonds?

Co, myślisz o niebieskich migdałach?

English Phonemes: “tsoh MISH-lee[sz] oh nyeh-BYEHS-keeh meeg-DAHW-ahh”

Literal Translation: What, you are thinking about blue almonds?

Elegant Translation: What, are you thinking about blue almonds?

English Equivalent: To have your head in the clouds.

Polish people don’t daydream, they think about blue almonds! This phrase is perfect if you’re talking to a Polish speaker and they get that Thousand Mile Stare in the middle of a sentence. Also a useful phrase to use if someone is proposing an idea that is truly undoable or fantastical.

Co = what
Myślisz = you are thinking [2nd p. s., present tense, informal]
O = about, of [preposition]
Niebieskich = blue [f. pl. adj., obj. form]
Migdałach = almonds, tonsils [f. pl. n., obj. form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena