Episode 29: For Thank You Nothing Oneself One Does Not Buy!

Za dziękuje nic się nie kupuje!

English Phonemes: “zah j[ę]-KOO-yeh neets shyeh nyeh koo-POO-yeh”

Literal Translation: For thank you nothing oneself one does not buy.

Elegant Translation: One can’t buy oneself anything with ‘Thank You’.

English Equivalent: Talk is cheap.

za = for [the ninja preposition again]
dziękuje = Thank You [3rd person singular of verb form, AND the noun form]
nic = nothing
się = oneself [reflective word, as discussed]
nie = not, no
kupuje = he/she/it buys (or is buying)

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 28: Where Cooks Six, There Not Is What To Eat!

Gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść. 

English Phonemes: “gjeh koo-HAH-rehk [sz]eh[ś][ć] tahm nyeh mah tsoh yeh[ś][ć]”

Literal Translation: Where cooks six, there not is what to eat.

Elegant Translation: Where there are six cooks, there is nothing to eat.

English Equivalent: Too many cooks spoil the broth.

gdzie = where
kucharek = cook, cooks [this diminutive form can be applied to both singular and plural]
sześć = six
tam = there
nie = no, not
ma = he/she/it has. Can mean “is” where combined with direction words like “here/there”
co = what
jeść = to eat 

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 27: What A Soapy Person!

Co za mydłek!

English Phonemes: “tsoh zah MIHD-wehk”

Literal Translation: What a soapy person!

This is a super colloquial phrase, and a very not-nice thing to say about someone. The real meaning is related to soap in that it’s a way to describe a person who is slithery, weak, wishy-washy, and has no spine. The vibe is hard to find in words, and an exact comparison in English is hard to pin down... think of it as a combination of "liar", “jerk”, “snake”, “weakling”, "spineless", “sneak”, and “creep”, as well as adding the feeling of something that is disgusting to be around. You don’t want to be near a mydłek for longer than you have to. It feels frustrating and gross to deal with such a person.

So, yeah, be careful how you use this phrase. If you call someone a mydłek, them is fightin’ words.

co = what
za = a, an, for, too, instead of, past, behind, under, beyond, on, at, after, to, in, as, by... [depending on context. One of the most versatile prepositions in Polish.]
mydłek = soapy person [as discussed above]

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 26: Don't Call Forth Wolf From Woods!

Nie wywołuj wilka z lasu!

English Phonemes: “nyeh vih-VOH-wooy VEEL-kah z LAH-soo” 

Literal Translation: Don’t you call forth wolf from woods!
Elegant Translation: Don’t draw the wolf out of the woods!

The closest English saying is “let sleeping dogs lie”. Or, for you Harry Potter fans, remember the Hogwarts motto draco dormiens numquam titillandus, Latin for “never tickle a sleeping dragon”.

This saying advises prudence. You’re saying “don’t (deliberately) invite danger”. The best way to deploy this gem is in a case where your Polish-Speaking buddy is about to do something that you know can only backfire at them. Whether they know it or not is irrelevant. This phrase is meant to make them think twice in either case.

nie = not, no
wywołuj = (you) call forth, (you) bring forth [singular instructive form - a command]
wilka = wolf [singular object form]
z = from, with [depending on context]
lasu = forest, woods [object form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 25: First Plums Wormy!

Pierwsze śliwki robaczywki. 

English Phonemes: "PYER-f[sz]eh SHLEE-fkee roh-bah-[CZ]IH-fkee"

Literal Translation: First plums wormy.
Elegant Translation: The first plums are filled with bugs.

This saying serves as a warning. The closest thing we have in English is “Haste Makes Waste or maybe even “Buyer Beware” (though today’s phrase has nothing to do with commerce). It’s an agricultural reference that warns us that the first plums of the season are always filled with bugs — that we should be careful before we jump at the first fruit we see.

So if you see your Polish speaking friend/family member rushing to grab that first deal they see, or ready to buy that first whatever-they-are-in-the-market-for, and you think they can do better, feel free to drop this pearl of wisdom on them! They will be impressed, AND they will thank you!

Pro Tip: Can be combined with “Uwaga” or “Uważaj” from Episode 7!

pierwsze = first [plural, subject form]
śliwki = plums [plural, subject form]
robaczywki = bug-filled, wormy [plural, subject form] [a playful form, instead of “robaczywe”]

Note that the word “are” is omitted here because it’s understood.

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 24: The One Who Is Drowning A Straight Razor Grabs!

Tonący brzytwy się chwyta. 

English Phonemes: “toh-N[Ą]-tsih B[RZ]IH-tfih sh[ę] HVIH-tah”

Literal Translation: The one who is drowning a straight razor himself/herself grabs.

Elegant Translation: A drowning person will grab at a straight razor.

English Equivalent Saying: “Grasping at straws.” 

This saying uses vivid imagery to basically say that utter desperation will drive a person to do anything, even if it brings further harm to themselves. It’s a good saying to know, popular enough that any of your Polish speaking friends will know this one.

Tonący = one who is drowning [subject form]
Brzytwy = a razor, specifically, an old-timey straight razor [object form]
Się = oneself - this is a reflective word, like “me” in “I’ma grab me a sandwich” 
Chwyta = he/she/it is grabbing, gripping, or grasping at.

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 23: I Am Walking On Eyelashes!

Chodzę na rzęsach! 

English Phonemes: “HOH-dzeh nah [RZ][Ę]-sah” 

Literal Translation: “I am walking on [my] eyelashes” 

This fun phrase is a popular and evocative way to say you are dead tired. Imagine actually trying to walk on your eyelashes! Hunched over, head down, eyes drooping… much like a poor fellow face-plant-ready falling asleep.

* Extra Credit Section! *
I put this phrase into the first person singular so that YOU can say that you are dead tired. The bonus is that if you want to say he/she/it is tired, you would say “chodzi” instead of “chodzę”, and if you want to say you are tired, you would say “chodzisz” instead of “chodzę” [that’s you singular, informal form. Only to be used with friends/family. Never to someone you have a formal or no relationship with.] The rest of the phrase stays the same.
So now you have three phrases for the price of one!

Chodzę = I am walking [1st person singular]
Na = on/onto
Rzęsach = eyelashes [object form]

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 22: News!


English Phonemes: “noh-VEE-nih”

Meaning: News!

Non-lesson show to share the results of last month’s poll and catch you up on the latest and greatest that “How You Say” is planning. 


Poll results:

What’s Inspiring You To Learn Polish?
A. I’m lucky in love with a Polish speaker — 38%
B. I have Polish speaking friends I want to surprise (and impress!) — 38%
C. I have Polish roots, but the language got lost over time — 13%
D. A mix of the above — 13% 

Patreon page is coming in the next couple months: www.patreon.com/howyousayfm

YouTube Channel for extra videos is also coming in the next couple months!

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 21: Not You Share Skin On Bear!

Thanks to Listener Travis for the following link! 

14 Polish phrases that British people find hilarious

Today’s phrase:

Nie dziel skóry na niedźwiedziu!

English Phonemes: “nyeh jyehl SKOO-rih nah nyeh-JVYEH-joo”

Literal Translation: Not you share/divide [the] skin on [the] bear.
Meaning: Don’t divide the skin while it’s still on the bear.
English Saying Analog: Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.

Clearly a hunters’ expression. Poles do have an agricultural heritage, but we are so close to woods and bodies of water, that fishing and hunting are part of the cultural ethos also. 

Here’s the breakdown of the words:
Nie = Not/No [Actively negates the verb coming after.]
Dziel = You (singular) share/divide
Skóry = Skin/Pelt/Hide [object form]
Na = On/Onto
Niedźwiedziu = Bear [object form (specifying ‘on’ what, on the bear)]

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 20: Congratulations! It's A Boy/Girl!

Gratulacje! Jest chłopczyk/dziewczynka!

English Phonemes: “grah-too-LAH-tsyeh yehst HWOHP-[cz]ihk jyehf-[CZ]IN-kah”

Request episode from Listener Wendy! Since I just had a baby, Wendy asks how to say “Congratulations! It’s a boy/girl!” in Polish.

Gratulacje! = General way to say Congratulations!
Jest = he/she/it is [3rd person singular of 'to be']
Chłopczyk = little boy [more affectionate and diminutive form of 'chłopiec', 'boy']
Dziewczynka = little girl [more affectionate form of 'dziewczyna', 'girl']

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 19: If He/She/It Loves, Then He/She/It Will Wait!

Jak Kocha, To Poczeka.

English Phonemes: “yahk KOH-hah toh poh-[CZ]EH-kah”

Literal Translation: If he/she/it loves, then he/she/it will wait.

Similar to the English saying “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”, this saying conveys the meaning that love will overcome obstacles of time and space apart.

Jak = if, how [depends on context]
Kocha = he/she/it loves [3rd person singular conjugation of “Kochać”]
To = this, then [depends on context and placement in sentence]
Poczeka = he/she/it will wait [3rd person singular of “Poczekać”, to wait (with intent of waiting further)]

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Lastly, sorry for any baby sounds in the background of this recording! The little Pole heard me recording and wanted to participate. ;-)

Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 18: I Love You! I You I Love!

Kocham Cię! Ja Cię Kocham!

English Phonemes: “KOH-hahm chyeh” and “yah chyeh KOH-hahm”

Here are two different ways to say ‘I love you!’ Both are equally common and entirely correct. Got a special someone who speaks Polish in your life? Let them know how you feel!

Kocham Cię’ literally translates to “I love you” where ‘Cię’ is ‘you’ singular in the object form and ‘Kocham’ is the conjugated verb first person singular of the verb ‘to love’, so here, it means ‘I love’.
And ‘Ja Cię Kocham’ literally translates to “I you I love” where ‘Ja’ is ‘I’ in the subject form, ‘Cię’ is ‘you’ singular in the object form, and the conjugated verb ‘Kocham’ still means ‘I love’. The word order for this simple sentence is very flexible, as you can see.

Practice these for tomorrow! 

Happy Valentine’s Day!

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 17: Quiet Water Edges Rips!

Cicha woda brzegi rwie.

English Phonemes: “CHEE-hah VOH-dah B[Ż]EH-gee rvyeh”

Literal Translation: Quiet water edges rips.
More elegant translation: Still waters tear at the water’s edge.
English equivalent saying: “Still waters run deep.”

This is a very popular saying in Polish. It has the same meaning as “still waters run deep”, meaning that if you look at the surface of a calm body of water, you don’t know how deep or powerful anything under the surface might be. Ah, sweet mystery!

Cicha = quiet, calm, still, silent [feminine singular adjective]
Woda = water, body of water [feminine noun, subject form]
Brzegi = edges, borders, coasts, riverbanks [masculine noun, plural object form]
Rwie = he/she/it rips, tears at [3rd person singular present tense]

There’s a very old song based on this saying, too. Pretty much every Pole knows it. Originally performed by Zbigniew Kurtycza with music composed by Eddie Rosner in the 1950s. Ludwik Jerzy Kern wrote the lyrics. (Few people remember any of that now, though! It’s a cultural staple.)

A few YouTube links of modern renditions of the song "Cicha Woda Brzegi Rwie":

Full song lyrics with close-enough English translation:

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 16: You Will Receive In The Animal Face!

Dostaniesz w pysk! 

English Phonemes: “doh-STAH-nye[sz] v pihsk” 

Literal Translation: You will receive in the animal face!

Fun Fact, this is also the title of a song by an artist called “Wdowa” which means “Widow” in Polish. I just found that out. Anyway.

It’s a phrase that means “Oh, you’ll get it!” like, “Pow! Right in the kisser!” It’s best coupled with a shaking of a fist. Only use this one in informal settings and in playful banter! It’s definitely a threat otherwise! Super impolite, but I wanted to share anyway, because it’s popular enough to be a joke you hear. Just in case it ever comes up, you’ll know what it means!  

Like in English, there are different words for different types of faces. Google Translate and some dictionaries don’t make this clear sometimes. So, as Fun Extra Credit, here are a few different words for “Face” in Polish, with their connotations:

Twarz (“tvah[sz]”) = Face (respectful) - the default word normally used
Facjata (“fah-TSYAH-tah”) = Face (respectful) - usually applies to the face of a building
Morda (“MOH-rdah”)= Face (disrespectful) - connotes a vapid, animal-like, vacant, primitive face
Ryj (“rihy”)= Snout (or any protruding face shape that can dig or burrow)
Paszcza (“PAH-[sz][cz]ah”)= Face, maw (sort of), the face of a big dangerous animal, like a lion or tiger.

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 15: Who Wants Dog To Hit, Stick Will Find!

Kto chce psa uderzyć, kija znajdzie.

English Phonemes: “ktoh htseh psah oo-DEH-[ż]ihch, KEE-yah ZNAHY-jeh”

Literal translation: Who wants dog to hit, stick will find.
More elegant translation: One who wants to hit a dog, will find a stick.
Closest English analog saying: Where there’s a will, there’s a way. But it's a bit darker than that because it also has the tone of "whoever wants to justify doing something immoral will find a reason to justify it" laced in the saying. It's a popular old saying, you'll get a lot of Polish street cred for knowing this one!

Kto = who, whoever (similar word root to “ktoś” which means “someone”)
Chce = he/she/it wants [3rd person singular, present tense]
Psa = a dog [Object form. Subject form of dog is “pies”, pronounced “pyes”.]
Uderzyć = to hit (once). [infinitive form of the verb]
Kija = a stick [Object form. Subject form of stick is “kij”, pronounced “key”.]
Znajdzie = he/she/it will find [3rd person singular, future tense]

Remember the [ch] letter combo sounds just like "h" to English speakers. It's also a homonym to the letter "h" in the Polish alphabet!
Remember the [rz] phoneme is a homonym to the [ż] letter in the alphabet. Mind the duck face when pronouncing it!
Remember also the [dzi] letter combo sounds just like “j” in English!

Shoutout to listener Tova on Twitter! Those videos are coming!

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 14: I Am In Bus, Not On Bus!

Jestem w autobusie, nie na autobusie!

English Phonemes: "YEHS-tehm v ah-oo-toh-BOO-shyeh, nyeh nah ah-oo-toh-BOO-shyeh"

Literal translation: “I am in bus, not on bus!”

Important (and lesson-relevant) Fun Fact: Polish doesn’t have articles! That’s why using “a” and “the” correctly in English is tough for Polish speakers learning English. (True for other languages, too.)

Jestem = I am
W = in, inside
Autobusie = bus (singular object form) 
Nie = no, not
Na = on, on top of

Listener Mom suggested I talk about the difference between "on the bus" and "in the bus". Thanks, Mom!

In English, we say “I’m getting on the bus” to mean that we are boarding a bus. But when James Bond jumps onto a speeding bus from a bridge, we also say in English that he is “on the bus”. However, in Polish, there is a distinct linguistic difference between these two types of being “on the bus”. To Poles, the bus is an object into which you get, but not onto which you climb. Only daredevils get on a bus. 

This is why sometimes you’ll hear a Polish speaker say in English “I get in the bus.” Conceptually, that’s correct. Linguistically, it’s correct also. It just sounds strange to us native English speakers because we always say “I get on the bus” even though we all know we don’t intend to climb on top of the vehicle. (And don’t get me started on ‘hopping’ buses!)

Similar distinctions exist for other stuff like trains, or when Poles talk about what’s “on” TV, meaning a physical object on top of the TV set, versus what’s “in” TV, meaning what program is playing. In English, we say “what’s on TV” to mean the programs, and we switch to say “what’s on THE TV” to refer to physical objects on top of physical television sets. But Polish doesn’t have articles! So aside from the conceptual way Poles consider the objects themselves, Poles have to be particular and deliberate about using “in” versus “on” to achieve the same specificity that articles provide in English.

Perhaps you have a native Polish speaker in your life that makes correct but sometimes odd-sounding turns of phrase? Now, hopefully, you know a bit more about why.  :-)

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 13: Not My Circus, Not My Monkeys!

Nie mój cyrk, nie moje małpy! 

English Phonemes: “nyeh mooy tsihrk, nyeh MOH-yeh MAHW-pih”

Literal translation: “Not my circus, not my monkeys!”
Closest English saying: “This isn’t my party!”
Meaning: None of this craziness is my doing! I have nothing to do with the nuttery going on!

Nie = no, not
Mój = my [singular masculine]
Cyrk = circus
Moje = my [plural]
Małpy = monkeys

Listener Karen remembered hearing a Polish phrase ages ago about circuses and monkeys, and that discussion generated this episode. Thanks, Listener Karen!

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 12: May The Force Be With You!

Niech Moc Będzie Z Tobą!

English Phonemes: “nyehh mohts B[Ę]-jeh z TOH-b[ą]”

Special request from Listener Trevor! Trevor asks, how do you say "May The Force Be With You!" in Polish?

Niech = Let, May
Moc = Power, Force, Strength
Będzie = Be (it will be)
Z = With
Tobą = You [singular] (object form that’s used with prepositions)

Quick caveat: This assumes a singular recipient of this wish! As we’ve seen before, Polish distinguishes between singular and plural recipients of any phrase. We have different words for you singular (“ty”) and you plural (“wy”), and those word bases change appearance when in their various object forms. 

Specifically, “with you [singular]” is always “z Tobą” whereas “with you [plural]” is always “z Wami” 

Different grammar rules apply to “to you”, “of you”, “from you”… but one thing at a time. We’re just learning phrases. The grammar nitty gritty is further behind the curtain than we will venture here.

*Fun fact, we don’t have articles in Polish! Successful usage of “a” and “the” is tough to master for Polish speakers learning English for that reason.

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Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 11: You Take Self In Tally!

Weź się w karby!

English Phonemes: “vehsh shyeh v KAHR-bih” 

Literally, the phrase word-for-word translates to "You take [your]self in[to] tally!"

The closest English equivalents are: "Suck it up, buttercup!" or "Get a grip" or "Gather yourself together" or "Show some grit" or "Get yourself in order".

Perfect occasion for this phrase because of New Year’s resolutions being made right around this time of year. 

You’ll really impress with this phrase. This is deeeeeeeeply rooted in the culture and history, (the Polish people pride themselves on being a hearty and tough resilient people). Even so, there are some folks who speak Polish today who, if they aren’t well read enough, may not even know this one. But those who do will be shocked if you drop this pearl on the table. It’s not archaic or anything, but it is old-school and very classy. 

You can say this to yourself as a self-motivator or you can say it to a Polish-speaking friend who may need a little tough love (and a laugh!)

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Happy New Year!

Julia Tutko-Balena
Episode 10: And A Happy New Year!

I Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku!

English phonemes: “ee [sz][cz][ę]sh-lee-VEH-goh noh-VEH-goh ROH-koo”

Literally means "And A Happy New Year!" This is in the object form, because like we discussed last week, the first part of the sentence remains unspoken, but it is understood that the speaker is wishing the listener a specific object, which here is "a happy new year". (English has subjects and objects in sentences, too, but Polish is more strict about differentiating word forms for each part of the sentence.)

i = 'and'
Szczęśliwego = 'happy' or 'merry' (an adjective in its (masculine) object form)
Nowego = 'new' (an adjective in its (masculine) object form)
Roku = 'year' (a masculine noun (singular) in its object form)

In this episode, Julia also breaks down the correct way to pronounce the [sz] phoneme and the [ę] letter of the Polish alphabet. Then she walks us through, step by step, how to tackle stringing all those phonemes together!

Next week's show will be much easier! Promise!

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Julia Tutko-Balena